sports> Why are those girls so mean?

Why are those girls so mean?

Posted at: 2011-05-26 

Why are adolescent girls so mean to each other, and what can parents do about it?

Middle-school can be gruesome for girls (and their mothers!) By Irene S. Levine, Ph.D....

Why are Girls so mean to each Other? Girls are mean to each other is that a fact or not? Well girls tend to become very emotional at times and is not afraid to

Best Answer: Some are jealous conniving b!tches ; it's all a competition in [everything]. But sometimes ; yes, they might be PMS'ing.

Girls are constantly judging other girls. Girls are terrible to each other. Girls are each other's own worst enemies. But...WHY? Why is it that guys can be each other ...

When my daughter, Paris, was 4, I picked her up from preschool one day and she told me something along the lines of, "So and so said she doesn't want to be my friend ...

Best Answer: well, for instance, they could be jealous! don't let them know the stuff they say gets too you, that's exactly what they want!! &try ignoring them ...

Why are girls so mean? ChaCha Answer: Many girls are mean because they feel more powerful when they put others down. Some use peer pr...

Why are girls so mean? This is a common question asked when discussing friendship problems, female bullying, and relational aggression. I do not l

Why do girls have to be so mean? I see it already and my daughter is a mere 7 years old. The mean girls are out in full force.. on... - Working Moms