movies> err on the side of caution

err on the side of caution

Posted at: 2011-05-26 

err on the side of caution if you err on the side of caution when you are deciding what to do, you do the thing that is safe instead of taking a risk I decided to err ...

English Club English Reference: err on the side of caution - English definition and notes

Feb 17, 2011 · To act in the least risky manner in a situation where one is uncertain about the consequences. 1867, "The Impeachment of the President—Probabilities and ...

"Err on the side of caution." That's because "err" is a verb. In your sentence, you are saying someone is committing the act of erring. Therefore, "to error" would be ...

Feb 08, 2007 · Best Answer: it's better to have inconvenienced yourself in taking too much caution and not have the thing expected not happen than to conveniently do ...

Usage notes: usually used in the form err on the side of caution: I decided to err on the side of caution and spend less than my full allowance.

Hello everybody. I have come across the term "err on the side of caution" numerous times in my life but my understanding of the term is not solid. Does erring on the side ...

"err on the side of caution" I don't get this. To err means to make a mistake. So how come we say 'err on the side of caution' means to be especially careful rather than ...

to err on the side of mercy/caution → pecar de piadoso / cauteloso to err is human → errar es de humanos, quien tiene boca se equivoca. err [ˈɜː r] vi

Best Answer: It's better to be too cautious than not to be cautious enough. ... ok - it's better to be more safe than not safe at all. For instance: It's better to ...

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